Ko je bilo po modnem bumu pred leti že skoraj vse e- , je postal dolgčas in je bilo treba najti nekaj novega, vznemirljivega (kot s trgovinami, ko so štacune tekmovale: supermarket, maximarket, hipermarket, megamarket, giga-) . . . in prišla je moda i-jev : i-book, i-bookstore, i-politics, i-voting, i-society in kup izdelkov, katerih imena so se začenjala z I-, potem pa telefon, tablica, melodije . . . Slovenci seveda nismo smeli zaostajati in skovali smo i-družbo, i-volitve, i-občino, i-banko, i-poker, i-tablo, i-koncert, i-projekt in še kaj. V začetku i- kot informacijski, integriran, internetni – slednji danes prevladuje. Korpus bibliotekarstva takih besed še ni evidentiral.
V času mednarodnega posveta ABDOS v Ljubljani sva o tem klepetala z nemško kolegico in poslala mi je kratek zapis, ki ga objavljam v nadaljevanju.
iPolitics and iGovernment or ePolitics and eGovernment?
Gostujoče pero – Elisabeth Simon
Most countries have got at least somewhat of this, most commonly in what might be called i-government: the provision of Integrated Information, usually by means of the Internet. Both terms can be found in the discussion which is becoming increasingly important. Governments and authorities on the local, regional as well national level want to deliver information but also gather information by questionnaires and voting papers electronically. The wish to ease these procedures by bringing these information and/or papers to the desktop of everybody is evident. The only (but very important!) obstacle is the information competence (general and specific information litteracy) of the population which might be eliminated and the legal basis of such procedures which has to be yet formed by the authorities and legal bodies. The framework in which this information provision is working successfully is not that of a social network in the moment, since up to now adminstrative and political bodies have only delivered information unilaterally via websites or repositories but have not entered into a direct bilateral communication process as it is in social networks e.g. facebook. This new procedures will oblige politicians in a new communication form and model - libraries could help in this respect and get also some assistance for their still lacking image in the society and subsequently political awareness. Not to forget their important role in upgrading overall information literacy on al levels – the young, adults and elderly citizens. E-litteracy has already been transformed into i-litteracy!